About us

If you have already learned the job skills, now is a good time to master the social skills that will take you to the next level.

It takes more than money presenting a professional appearance.

Choosing business clothes: color, fabric, versatility, camouflage, accessories, comfort, quality, value, and appearance; posture and self-respect; the look of enthusiasm; the symbolism of dressing appropriately.

The language of clothes is filled with hidden meanings and assumptions.

It’s best to present the image that is a true reflection of your best professional self.

The business of meeting people

First impressions; introducing yourself and others; the identifying phrase; the personality of a handshake; the correct responses to “How do you do?” and “How are you?” (they are different); the “interested question” versus personal questions; gossip versus sharing information; compliments in business; body language; asking for advice; how to work a room.

Babel Fish Good Manners offers a range of courses on all aspects of manners and etiquette covering various topics. We focus on every individual goals and for various ages, always created the program to suit you, make you to “Be the Best you can Be” and gain the confidence required to succeed in today’s world. Each course helps to build confidence, and help you find out the best value of good manners and the importance of self-worth and success.